Slot machines will eat your brain!

Making the experience even more disturbing was the people-watching… sitting numbly in front of those machines, hitting the “spin” button over and over and over, stuffing in more money, cigarettes hanging from their lips as they stare at the flashing lights in a stupor, as if hypnotized. The slot machines were eating their brains! Everywhere you looked… zombies!

Clarity, caring, community — the cards said so

This is the magic of oracle and tarot cards, and how I use them. Sure, the cards often suggest likely outcomes, fresh perspectives, and clarity for one’s situation. But more often, they give people an opportunity to safely explore and express their emotions and concerns, like lancing a spiritual wound, which is the first step in the healing process. I’m so deeply honored to be part of that process. To know that in some way, I pointed someone towards a gateway to healing and peace.

Wild horses no more

The dream is over. Specifically, the dream of wild horses. All my life, I’d dreamed of wild horses. They fascinated me and inspired me. As a child, I would spend …

We are stardust

“The spark of life within you, and every living thing, is the same spark of life, passed intact, from not only the first living microscopic being on this planet, but from the energy that burst forth when the universe was born.”