Horse Spirit

The Elements of Horse Spirit — The Magical Bond Between Humans and Horses

Horses are humanity’s oldest ally. They literally changed the course of civilization. Some of history’s greatest leaders literally rode to power on horseback. However, before horses were “useful” to humans, they were our wild companions going back tens of thousands of years. They were amongst humankind’s earliest inspirations for artwork, even when the canvasses were cave walls.

Horses moved mountains and carved paths where there were none, and carried humans farther than they could ever have gone on their own, and faster too. Horses can do this on the spiritual and magical levels as well as the physical. In this book, you’ll learn how to bring the mysticism and magic of Horse Spirit into your life. You’ll learn about the five elements — Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit — and the metaphysical horses that embody each of those energies. You’ll learn to employ those energies to accomplish whatever you wish. What do you want to do? What do you need to do? Where do you want to go? Horse Spirit will carry you there!

In this book, all aspects of the human-horse relationship will be explored, from evolution and history, to myth and magic. For those who have a horse, there are suggestions for deepening that communication and spiritual bond. For those who have always wanted a horse, there’s a section for getting started with the most meaningful, magical relationship you’ll ever have: The one with your horse.

You’ll discover activities, rituals, and exercises that reveal how horses heal you, ground you, and challenge you to be better in everything you do. Whether you’re working with a horse or an equine spirit guide, The Elements of Horse Spirit helps you embrace the energetic connection with horses and live in harmony with them.

Purchase the book here!