Classic ‘Vertigo’ like a deja-vu trip

Watched “Vertigo” with the husbie last night. Weird deja-vus when you see San Francisco streets and buildings, but they’re… different… somehow… And so many scenes you’d NEVER see today: entrance …

My doctors are trying to kill me

I’ve finally figured it out: The doctors are trying to kill me. They’re in collusion. But I’m onto them now. Haha! Yes, they’ve repeatedly threaded wires through the veins in …

CPAP shmeepap

CPAP shmeepap. I want a show of hands: Who’s had a sleep study and NOT been sentenced to a lifetime of sleeping with a breathing machine? Anyone? After my first …

Welcome to the NBC Coliseum

So help me God, had I not seen this with my own eyes (albeit nearly squeezed shut in horror), I wouldn’t have believed that anyone could be this desperate. This …