Today is Ostara, also known as the Spring Equinox. The hours of daytime and nighttime are equal, making this a day of perfect balance. At this time of year, life …
How do you know when Imbolc arrives?
Imbolc is celebrated on Feb. 1-2, and is the halfway point between the winter solstice (Yule) and spring equinox (Ostara). This sabbat is associated with the Celtic goddess Brigid. As …
My new book is born!
The only thing you have to wait for longer than a new baby is a new book! Creating a human takes nine months, but creating a book takes about twice …
Tell me your ghost stories
I’ve had two significant experiences with the Otherworld, both beginning in childhood, and both recurring. The first was an apparition that appeared at my bedside when I was about 3 or 4.
Who was really the wicked witch?
I saw an interesting blog about good witches vs. bad witches yesterday, and it prompted me to ponder “good witches” and “bad witches” as I was lying in bed this …
I don’t mind a little convoluted hypocrisy with my eggnog
I have a little Bah Humbug to purge. I need to stick a finger down my psyche and get it all out of my system. You’ll hold back my hair, …