My new book is born!

The only thing you have to wait for longer than a new baby is a new book! Creating a human takes nine months, but creating a book takes about twice that, from writing through publication. Thankfully, bringing a new book into the world doesn’t leave stretch marks and is less painful. Maybe. Birthing a baby is painful for a few hours. Birthing a book also comes with a lot of tears and screaming, but it’s stretched out over many months. Believe me, the first round of edits you get back from your editor after the initial manuscript is submitted results in plenty of wailing and moaning. But at least it won’t keep me awake all night for the next three months!

I got a look at my new “baby” just yesterday, when it arrived a few weeks ahead of schedule. A premie! And just in time to be the best Christmas present ever!

With all the holiday boxes coming in, I thought it was just another Christmas package, but this one was different. It had “Llewellyn” on the return address, and I froze with joy, and also fear and anxiety. That might sound weird, but I stalled for awhile before opening the box. Even though this is my second time seeing a case of my own books, I still feel like pinching myself to see if it’s all real. Part of me expects to open the box and just see a note: “Hahahahaha… you got punk’d!”

Maybe by the next book I’ll get over the “opening the box” jitters. And yes, “baby” number three is gestating as we speak!

But, let’s not detract from this special little arrival! I was over the moon with joy to hold it for the very first time. It’s really an astounding process to pour your heart and soul into something, and then see it materialize. It’s extra special to know that an editor and publisher believed in you, and trusted you, to produce something worthy of bearing their name and logo. Thank you, Llewellyn, and thank you, Heather Greene, my editor! I appreciate it deeply!

“Pagan Curious — A Beginner’s Guide to Nature, Magic & Spirituality,” is essentially a love letter to anyone and everyone who has always wondered about the Pagan world and Pagan practices, but feels intimidated by the unknown, and doesn’t know where to start or who to ask.

Start here!

Ask me!

This isn’t a “Witchcraft 101” book, although that might be your next step on the Pagan path. Think of this book more as “Pagan preschool.” You’ll learn your ABC’s and 123’s, and be gently welcomed to come on in and find out what it’s all about. The only thing that’s missing is cookies and a nap.

And, in case you’re wondering, yes, I am Pagan. Have been for years. And, maybe you’re thinking, “Well, she doesn’t look like a Pagan.” But that’s the thing — Pagans look like everyone else. They’re your neighbors, co-workers, and possibly even your own relatives. Sure, some Pagans famously look very witchy and magical, but just as many (maybe more) don’t. And sure, I can “Pagan it up” for a festival or a party, but in plain old everyday life, I’m pretty much like people you already know. I pull on my jeans and T-shirt just like everyone else. It’s not about how you look. It’s about how you live. “Pagan” is something you are… not something you do. The important stuff is on the inside. As we travel along together in this book, you may discover you are, and maybe always have been, Pagan — but you just didn’t have the vocabulary or framework to describe it. But you’ve always felt there was something “else” you were searching for. Congratulations! You found it!

So, welcome to the garden gate that leads to the Pagan path! I’ll hold your hand every step of the way!

To get started, just click here!

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