So, I started to itch. Uncontrollably. I’ve heard of jock itch. But breast itch? Could there be so such a thing? All I know is that mine started itching wickedly. …
Eight lives left
So, I get up this morning, and can’t find Maxx. Usually he’s crouched right at the bedroom door, sometimes with Minnie on his back. They’re working together to figure out …
Warning: Approaching maximum stress load!
How do you know when you’re hitting maximum stress load? What are your warning signs? I mean, short of just dropping dead from a heart attack. I have two flashing …
‘No’ also doesn’t mean ‘No’ if your IQ isn’t high enough
And so it continues. We discover that “No,” in fact, does not always mean “No.” In the case of a recent assault in Davis, in which the accused attacker was …
Raped by the legal system
Somewhere out there is a young woman who was unfortunate enough to have a few drinks and go for a walk by the train tracks one night with Thaddeus Jay …
‘No’ doesn’t mean ‘no’ if the rapist is drunk?
When it comes to rape, there’s a familiar mantra: “No means no.” However, according to an astounding story from the Feb. 3 Davis Enterprise, “no” has caveats: If the victim …
The people behind Spokeo should be behind bars
Every so often, I google myself, just to see what’s floating around on the internet about me, and today I discovered a floating turd: Spokeo. This nasty little website creates …
Too cool for your community 20-somethings?
OK, I just have to get this off my chest. “Fuming” doesn’t even begin to cover it. I get this call from some young administrative assistant type, working for some …
50 means freedom
I crossed some sort of self-acceptance threshold this morning on the way to work, as I stepped out the door and down the sidewalk, and happened to look down, and …
Send Congress over the Fiscal Cliff Gangnam Style for Mayan Doomsday
Okay, 2012, three things I’m sick to death of: the Mayan Prophecy, the Fiscal Cliff, and Gangnam Style. Let’s begin with Gangnam Style: Just stop it. On to the Mayans. …