The tarot talks continue!

My series of “Tiny Tarot Tidbits” continues on Monday, July 22, 6 p.m. (PST), on Zoom, as we take a look at the Minor Arcana and explore all the little details that artist Pamela Colman Smith purposely placed within them. Do you know which one has a snail? A priestly blessing in the worst of circumstances? And the Greek “Omega” sign right there in the hedges?

We’ll also discuss the “stage cards” — those that appear to be stages with backdrops, rather than complete scenes. What’s happening behind that backdrop? What might it mean in a reading?

No worries if you missed the first two in this series — you can pick up and join at any point. And, recordings of the first two classes are available at

Everyone welcome, regardless of experience! Just bring your curiosity!

To sign up, go to

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New classes are posted every Thursday at and all our past classes recordings at


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