Massage can heal the body, mind, and spirit!

My May 27 University Magickus class is all about the magic of soothing touch, massage, and bodywork. I’ll share with information from my latest book, “Sacred Massage — The Magic and Ritual of Soothing Touch.” No massage experience necessary, just an interest in healing. Everyone welcome!

Massage is probably as ancient as humanity itself. Touch can heal, touch can soothe, touch can strengthen bonds. This isn’t limited to humans — animals also respond to touch too. Touch is amongst their forms of communication.

Anyone can learn to provide soothing, healing touch for a loved one or friend, which is the main theme of my book. All you need is a massage partner, and you can add regular massage to seeking ways to get and stay healthy. Massage has so many benefits, both psychological and physical. In my book, I add spiritual benefits. Massage touches your skin, and your spirit.

If you suffer from chronic pain or stress, or just want another avenue for maintaining a sense of well-being, good health, and positive self-esteem, get a massage! You’re worth it!

Sign up for my class at

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