My first class with University Magickus on Sept. 19 was a success! We discussed a brief overview of the Pagan community, had a chat to pump up our self-esteem, and also talked about why positive self-esteem is relevant to successful magick. (Short explanation: If you don’t believe you deserve anything, neither will the Universe.)
I’ll be continuing with these beginner’s classes, and the next one is on Monday, Oct.3, at 6 p.m. The topic will be the four earthly elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. We’ll talk about the energies of each, how to connect to them in nature, and how to recognize them in yourself. A lot of Pagan learning actually begins within yourself!
Anyone may attend, and all are welcome—particularly those with little or no experience with the Pagan community, but lots of curiosity!
For more information about this class, and many other magickal classes, visit